Friday, December 20, 2013

Reflections for the Fourth Sunday in Advent

We are at our best when we give to others. The human heart truly rejoices at giving and serving others. We may have some level of plastic joy at getting something new, but soon the newness wears off and we have to get more. This is a principle that works the same way with giving and serving, we must give and serve more and more in order to truly rejoice. 

God must be the most joyful being in the universe, he is continually giving and serving.

We are most like Christ when we are giving. "God so loved the world that he gave..." 

Matt. 1:18-25 says "... you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins... 'And they shall call him Emmanuel,' which means 'God is with us.'" 

God did not create us because he needed us. He is the most self sufficient being in the universe. He is not lonely. He created us that he might show forth his grace and love to us and through us. He did not create us because he needed us to be with him, he created us that he might be with us. His love is so overflowing that he had to make containers for the excess of it. Those of us who have received Christ are those containers, and we are meant to be with God and for him to be with us, so that the overflow of his love will spill over into the empty souls around us. 

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