Friday, April 29, 2011

Light Summer Reading

Here is a new woodcut print -- just finished today. The ink is still wet. Hope you like it. I have it listed on my Etsy site if you are interested in purchasing.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Illustration Friday: Bicycle

Here is my submission to Illustration Friday. It is called Late Fall Commute, it is a woodblock print.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Revisiting the Past

Here is a large color reduction woodcut print (22"x30") I did this about ten years ago. Just pulled it out of my flat file drawer; it was like a new piece all over again! I really like this one.

Self Portrait

Here is a small woodcut print (image size only about 1.5"x3"). A self portrait. I know, I look really old in this... maybe that is because I am getting old!